FPC Project Manager - Facility Planning and Control

Job Board,

Facility Planning and Control

Reviews and evaluates the technical and financial feasibility of requests from state and non-state agencies for capital outlay funds and recommends action.

Coordinates new construction with statewide building program.

Verifies user agency’s needs and availability of existing facilities.

Supervises, evaluates, and reports the performance of private sector design professionals that provide architectural, engineering, survey, programming, and other consulting services for building construction.

Directs the design of the projects under his or her direction from the pre-design conference through the production of construction documents, approves the work of the designer, and authorizes him or her to proceed with each phase.

Enforces compliance with the legislatively approved program and budget, quality standards, technical requirements, contract specifications, etc.

Negotiates and approves changes in the designers contract including changes to the scope of work, construction cost, fees, scheduling, etc. and prepares the required contract amendments.

Verifies the user agency’s program and coordinates his or her input throughout the design process.

Ensures that the designer receives any owner-supplied information such as topographic survey, geo-technical investigations, program clarifications, user agency input, etc.

Authorizes the public bidding of the projects under his or her direction, directs the designer in the bidding process, approves changes to the work during bidding, and conducts bid opening.

Accepts or rejects the recommendations regarding contract award from the designer and user agency and recommends contract award or rejection of bids.

Ensures that all actions of the designer, user agency, and Facility Planning and Control Department are carried out in a timely manner.

Authorizes, adjusts, or denies payments to the designers based on his or her evaluation of the designers work.

Sets standards of performance for professional design.

Schedules and coordinates input from appropriate Facility Planning and Control team members. The team is composed of in-house architects and engineers that are critical to the development of the project.

Supervises, evaluates, and reports the performance of private sector contractors that provide construction services to the state.

Directs the designers in the administration of the construction contract for the projects under his or her direction from the initiation of construction through construction closeout and the one-year warranty inspection.

Ensures that the designer enforces compliance with the construction documents, quality standards, regulatory requirements, etc.

Verifies designers and contractors response to unknown conditions that arise during construction and approves action.

Verifies and approves the need for changes in the construction contract including changes to the scope of work, construction cost, fees, scheduling; negotiates and prepares the appropriate change orders.

Verifies and approves payments to the contractors of projects under his or her direction.

Ensures performance by designers and contractors through timely visits to construction sites.

Sets standards of performance for construction contract services.

Schedules and coordinates input from appropriate Facility Planning and Control team members as appropriate for this phase.

Inputs and maintains project tracking information, statewide facility and building database information, and capital outlay request information using various types of software, including CADD.

Furnishes design and construction information in response to requests from various officials and organizations.

Participates in training, conferences, and other continuing education programs to keep current with technology, maintain skills, and meet current licensing requirements.

Building Management:
Evaluates the needs of state agencies and determines their requirements for space in existing state-owned buildings and new construction.

Provides design services for minor projects and assigns space in existing state-owned office buildings.

Administration of State-Funded Local Projects:
Evaluates the feasibility and technical adequacy of local projects funded by the state and requires local entities to comply with legislative requirements, legal requirements, principles of good design, and funding availability.

Evaluates requests for removal of barriers to state-provided programs and activities so as to assist the state in its efforts to comply with the ADA.

Administration of Statewide Hazardous Materials Abatement Funding:
Establishes and manages program to abate or remove any hazardous materials contained in state-owned buildings or sites.

Coordinates federally mandated Asbestos Inspection and Re-inspection Program whereby all state-owned facilities are inspected or re-inspected and Asbestos Management Plans are developed or updated.

Administration of Statewide Roofing Funding:
Evaluates the condition of existing roofs and waterproofing to determine repair or replacement needs using destructive and nondestructive testing methods.

Provides guidance in designing construction details, including roofing and waterproofing systems on state-owned buildings.

Setting Standards for Building System Specification and Performance:
Develops guidelines or standards for building systems or equipment such as roofing; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC); electrical; etc. that are desirable because of functionality, energy savings, maintenance, and other tangible factors.

Interior Design and Space Planning:
Previews layouts of modular systems furniture components and coordinates integration with electrical and telecommunications requirements.

Approves finish materials such as fabrics, laminates, and paint colors.

Information Systems Management:
Coordinates data management of the Statewide Facility Management application, Capital Outlay Request Tracking System (CORTS), Statewide Tracking and Reporting System (STARS), and associated training of user agencies.

Acts as liaison between Office of Statewide Information Systems (OSIS), contracted programmers, and user agencies to facilitate methods for sharing and maintaining data.

To apply for this job please visit www.governmentjobs.com.