Executive Director’s Message

Kathleen Gordon, Assoc. AIA
Executive Director

Beginning this year with new adventures, new energy, and a turning of the pageā€¦ā€¦

ā€œTurn the pageā€…what an exciting concept! ….What will this new chapter say? Will it be a good one? Absolutely! Will it have some challenges? Yes, probably so, but all good books do, right? Will it have moments to celebrate? I hope so! Ultimately, it will say what we write it to say. Itā€™s up to us! Our book of AIA Louisiana may be seventy-five years in the making, but right now, we have the opportunity for something exciting.

So, how do we do that? First, we must make sure we donā€™t find ourselves stuck looking at only past chapters thinking that this will be a repeat of any of those. They will indeed inform our future and should be valued, held dear, and brought forward. We must also ā€œlook upā€…because thatā€™s where so much more is! We must look up from our desks and see how our projects affect the people around us. We must look up from our projects and see where our clients are met with policies, ordinances, and codes that affect the world around them and our communities. We must see the interconnected nature of things. Our projects are connected with infrastructure; the roads, the bridges, the walkways around us. We need to take a vested interest in all of these things if we are to care about our projects and our clients. We must think bigger than just the next isolated project.

Second, we all know that groups are stronger than any one individual when they work together. I invite you to be a part of the group affecting the built environment and all of its ā€œconnections.ā€ We need to not only stand firm and be good stewards of what we are given, but should also explore the ways that we, as architects and professionals, can write the next chapter. We have the ability and opportunity to engage in efforts that will provide the structure not only for our communities, but for our profession directly. As your Executive Director, I am thrilled to walk alongside our Board and our members, and I hope you are as excited as I am about the path that lies ahead.

Lastly, I have begun meeting with local chapters and sections, and if I havenā€™t made it to you yet, Iā€™m coming. While I ask for a bit of patience as we get the kinks that come with starting any new position worked out, I welcome your phone calls, your emails, your input, and your feedback. Will you join me? I hope so! We have future generations to develop, policy to change, communities to be a part of and work on….we have a built environment to create and a world to change, and Iā€™m thrilled to be a part of this with you!

All the Best,

Kathleen Gordon, Assoc. AIA
Executive Director
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