

A195–2008, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor for Integrated Project Delivery

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AIA Document A195™–2008 is a standard form of agreement between owner and contractor for a project that utilizes integrated project delivery (IPD). AIA Document A195–2008 primarily provides only the business terms and conditions unique to the agreement between the owner and contractor, such as compensation details and licensing of instruments of service. A195 does not include the specific scope of the contractor’s work; rather, it incorporates by reference AIA Document A295™–2008, General Conditions of the Contract for Integrated Project Delivery, which sets forth the contractor’s duties and obligations for each of the six phases of the project, along with the duties and obligations of the owner and architect. Under A195–2008, the contractor provides a guaranteed maximum price. For that purpose, the agreement includes a guaranteed maximum price amendment at Exhibit A.