

C198–2010, Standard Form of Agreement Between Single Purpose Entity and Consultant for Integrated Project Delivery

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AIA Document C198ℒ–2010 is a standard form of agreement between a single purpose entity (β€œthe SPE”) and a consultant. AIA Document C198–2010 is intended for use on a project where the parties have formed the SPE utilizing AIA Document C195ℒ–2008, Standard Form Single Purpose Entity Agreement for Integrated Project Delivery. C198–2010 is coordinated with C195–2008 in order to implement the principles of integrated project delivery. The specific services the consultant is required to perform are set forth within the document as well as the Integrated Scope of Services Matrix, which is part of the C195–2008 Target Cost Amendment. In addition to traditional compensation for services, C198–2010 allows for the consultant to receive additional profit through incentive compensation and goal achievement compensation.